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lobyte's picture
lobyte's picture
After returning from DD-WRT

After returning from DD-WRT to stock firmware:

1) enable telnet:

2) format overlay partition: mtd erase overlay_volume

3) hard reset

shafat777's picture
Can someone plz tell me step

Can someone plz tell me step by step how to flash KONGs FW on my R7800. I am runing the latest Netgear and having issue connecting to
ipv6. I have never done a fw flash on a router and a little worried that I might brick it. From What I undertstand, and maybe i m wrong, I ll have to flash 2 files????

1. R7800 factory to ddwrt.img

2. Once that is done, then I flash ddwrt R7800.bin

Is this right? Any help would be appreciated.

Best regards


lobyte's picture
factory-to-ddwrt - only first

factory-to-ddwrt - only first setup from stock to dd-wrt firmware.

ddwrt.bin - upgrade dd-wrt version from old dd-wrt to new dd-wrt firmware.

wordpress's picture
Thank you for your easy to

Thank you for your easy to understand ddwrt instruction . I was stuck and confused but your post just got me into the right direction and now its working fine.

Leecavturbo's picture
can you set reservations with

can you set reservations with this? i cant see anyway how too

Nit3H8wk's picture
Is there anyway to get this

Is there anyway to get this speed with dd-wrt or openwrt http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/6829059018

I can't seem to get anything higher than 600Mbps unless i use stock or voxel's firmware.

e38BimmerFN's picture
What are your speeds LAN

What are your speeds LAN wired when speed testing. It's not recommended to test wireless as wireless has many variables that can cause inaccurate results. 

Test with any QoS disabled first.