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- After the initial Kong Mod 1 year 4 months ago
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Hi Voxel,
Is there some special way to configure port forwarding for Transmission (R7800 V1.0.2.45SF)? My client uses UPnP and there are corresponding entries in mapping table but port remain closed. Do You have any advice regarding this problem?
Hi Voxel,
Thank you for doing this job. This is absolutely amazing. I followed the steps in documentation and several pages in forum.
I have installed Rtorrent(RuTorrent) over the entware using opkg. GUI works over the 81 port correctly. But it doesn't download any torrent since it cannot find any of peers/trackers. Basically cannot download anything.
1-) Is there a way to fix Rtorrent(RuTorrent)?
2-) If not, I tried to uninstall all packages which installed (around 15-17 packages). opkg successfully removed packages but after restart I can still access to GUI using 81 port. How can I uninstall completely?
3-)While installing Entware, you mention that SWAP file shall be 2G if it's used for Plex. When I check opkg, I couldn't find any package related to Plex. How can I do it?
4-)I have seen several solutions to run Plex on modem devices like Asus using Debian. I have seen debian package around 200mb in your web page as well but no documentation. It would be great if you help me to install it.
Thank you, best.
I have found answers some of my questions.
1-) RuTorrent works correctly. Most probably my torrent file has some issues. RuTorrent works fine but as far as I see, it's not as fast as Transmission. While using RuTorrent, CPU has waves all the time which doesn't look normal.
2-) Since RuTorrent works on lighttpd server, html files under cd /opt/share/www shall be removed
3-) Still question. I would like to learn if any chance of installing Plex
4-) Still question. Good to be identified.
BTW, I have installed owncloud 10.0.4 w/mariadb. It looks working, quite slow. I couldn't find time to test properly yet. Only question is, when I check SWAP space, it's always empty like Swap:1048572 140 1048432. Is there any reason for that? Wouldn't be good to enable this space?
Guys, sorry, I am very overloaded now (my main job). Not enough time to answer all in time.
d3n3b: Transmission: try just to open its port in firewall. How: it is written in my README (netwall.conf).
alaattinturyan: Transmission: there is IMO not quite legal way to use it with R7800. I tried myself long time ago, it worked with chroot-ed Debian.
As I found, there is similar way described for example here:
You can try it. I did myself something like that. But note that no any transcoding will work, too weak CPU.
SWAP: I do not quite understand. Did you use full procedure described in my README? NOTE: swapon command should be executed every time after router reboot.
Thank you, Voxel. I have overlooked this information in README, sorry for that.
I have one more question I did not found answer about in documentation. Is there possibility to configure Transmission to automatically load torrent files after reboot?
I have one more question I did not found answer about in documentation. Is there possibility to configure Transmission to automatically load torrent files after reboot?
It should be possible. But some initial manual job is needed. When transmission is started after reboot, it check the existence of directory "transmission" in the root of your external USB disk. So if it finds e.g.
it will use /mnt/sda1/transmission/ as a directory with your configuration of transmission. So it means that config will not be generated anew.
Probably most simple way is to start some test downloads and after this copy /tmp/transmission-gui directory to your HDD:
cp -rp /tmp/transmission-gui /mnt/sda1/transmission
Something like this. After this edit your config to allow automatic load torrent files after reboot.
First of all, thanks Voxel, good job with the firmware.
I have some issues with DNS though. With my erlier Asus router the router was a local DNS server and forwarded requests on to its DNS servers. Under its DHCP server settings I could tell it wich DNS servers the client should use.
With Netgear I only have the possibility to set the DNS servers on the Internet setting page and not which DNS servers the DHCP server should offer the clients. My problem is that I have an pi-hole server on a internal IP adress and I would like to have the pi-hole as a DNS server for all DHCP clients. If I put the PI-hole as DNS server for the router nothing works. I was hoping there is some config setting somwhere to set the DHCP server DNS settings. I have some suspicion the DNS-crypt service is casing parts of the problem also.
Could anyone offer some help or insights on this?
I am not sure, as you can guess I have other configuration. But probably you should try to play with dnsmasq entering to your router console (telnet or ssh). Manual job. no GUI. First manually. Just changing /etc/dnsmasq.conf. I.g. stop dnsmqasq server (/etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop) then changing /etc/dnsmasq.conf to something like:
Then try to start dnsmasq manually like /usr/sbin/dnsmasq and check if you local DNS works. If OK you should correct some init script, see as example /etc/init.d/dnscrypt-proxy script.
Hello I do not understand, before I can connect with open vpn from the usb key and now it connects more
Hello Voxel and everyone!
Thanks Voxel for your work.
Sadly im unable to complete the installl of the firmware, hum not the firmware but entware.
I recently received this router (happy) so this is what i did :
I hope you will have the time to help me.
Thanks, Wp.
Try to use /opt/bin/opkg but not just opkg. And try to list e.g. /opt/bin/ if still problems.
Voxel, thanks for your answer,
ls -l /opt/bin/*
-ash: root@R7800:/$: not found
There is symlink but i cant access it, there's nothing.
Its weird, i will reset the router tomorrow and try to do it again without updating the netgear firmware.
And just for information, if i copy/paste the link page 404 :
Try to run:
ls -l /mnt/optware/
Currently you have no "opkg" command from Entware, so opkg from firmware is called. And the last refers to this fake page. Something is wrong with your installation.
Wow, offers a huge memory improvement. I have owncloud, mariadb, rutorrent and some optware apps like netdata.
After installing, free memory increased to 125mb from 20mb. Either there is an optimization or I have lost some stuff that I didn't figure it out until now.
Voxel, your work is great. Thank you. I just realised that after each upgrade I lose my ssh and some other stuff. I am sure you have a script for the overriden stuff. Can you please share it with us? My is below ;
Thanks for you thanks ;-)
Memory: I am not sure, but there was a memory leak in avahi daemon. Fixed in
backup: it is practically the same:
BTW, my version of Entware is upgraded (Sunday).
s -l /opt/bin/*
-ash: root@R7800:/$: not found
There is symlink but i cant access it, there's nothing.
Its weird, i will reset the router tomorrow and try to do it again without updating the netgear firmware.
Something is wrong with your installation. IMO you should repear p 5
Prepare Usb stick with optware name in ext2 with entware-cortex-a15-3x-ad-block.tar.gz
and run "ls -l /mnt/optware/"
DNS problem happened again. Some of my wifi devices became unreachable from internet, others with manually configured DNS worked fine. Re-apply internet setting in R7800 fixed the problem. For now.
I choose R7800 because of good reviews, high throughput but firmware is crap. Slow, buggy...
I'm not talking about Voxel's one. You do what you can with closed source.
So why don't you use my build? Just interesing. I am unable to correct all bugs but at least what Ican.
Well, most of the time I do not have physical access to the router so when I had, I went for "safe" firmware.
Btw, did you fix this bug in your build?
Btw, did you fix this bug in your build?
I do not quite understand your problem.I use custom DNS in router mode. It is working. It is set not in DHCP setup but in Internet setup.
I have exactly the same settings and after a while, router is not forwarding DNS packets ant further. That's why I would like to have option to configure real DNS IP under DHCP, not to be R7800 private IP/def gw toward clients.
Btw, how is imlemented in the firmware? Using dnsmasq or similar? Maybe process crashed after a while?
Voxel, can I ask you to update two packages.
1-) netatalk / afpd (with is usefull to use apple timemachine, it looks like netgear official netatalk is pretty old. afpd 2.2.1 ->3.1.xx)
2-) avahi (0.6.32 -> 0.7)
Thank you
Voxel, can I ask you to update two packages.
1-) netatalk / afpd (with is usefull to use apple timemachine, it looks like netgear official netatalk is pretty old. afpd 2.2.1 ->3.1.xx)
2-) avahi (0.6.32 -> 0.7)
Thank you
It's a bit problematic. netatalk: I just do not have Mac to test it. Any such updates requires from me a testing that functionality is not destroyed, but no tools for testing. It is not difficult to compile after upgrade, but to check that everything is OK after update... This package is realy outdated in firmware, but NG are using aditional shells over it (binary utlilities calling netatalk programs), i.e. they are preparing config files, start/stop netatalk etc... I have it in mind of course, but...
avahi: I am not sure. OpenWRT and LEDE still are using 0.6.32.
I upgraded 0.6.31 in stock to 0.6.32. Well, maybe. Again intensive testing. I have to process the logic of every package I upgrade.
You know, upgrade often means that config file directory or config file name are changed. Process of upgrade is not so easy as people could think...
Btw, how is imlemented in the firmware? Using dnsmasq or similar? Maybe process crashed after a while?
dnsmasq is used in firmware. But I use dnscrypt-proxy (together with dnsmasq of course).
1-) netatalk / afpd (with is usefull to use apple timemachine, it looks like netgear official netatalk is pretty old. afpd 2.2.1 ->3.1.xx)
It is too problematic There are significant changes in netatalk 2.2.x vs 3.x For example absolutely changed config file(s). So I can only upgrade to 2.2.6 (July 2017)
avahi: as I checked even latest Debian is using 0.6.32
(and BTW netatalk version in latest Debian is 2.2.5...)
Sometimes is is better to keep conservatism to do not break stability.
Hi, voxel
I'm trying to bypass openvpn tunnel using the script u gave me. But apparently it doesn't work for me.
I tried to bypass local IP range to
I put it by putting individual IP to in the script though
or maybe it doesn't work bcoz i didn't put dhcp reservation?
is it necessary to put dhcp reservation for the bypass to work?
# Don't forget to reserve the list of IPs for exclusion devices on the DHCP server
# Edit the following IP list to bypass the VPN. Seperate individual IP's using a single space between them.
NO_VPN_LST=" ..."
WAN_GWAY=`nvram get wan_gateway`
for excludeip in $NO_VPN_LST; do
/usr/sbin/ip rule add from $excludeip table 200
/usr/sbin/ip route add table 200 default via $WAN_GWAY dev brwan
/usr/sbin/ip route flush cache
exit 0
Is there anyway to put range of IP instead of individual list?
sorry newbie here
To put it simple
I want only selected device to go through the openvpn tunnel.
So the dhcp address will be set from to and these addresses will bypass the tunnel
while the one with static address configured manually from the devices itself from to will go through openvpn tunnel