can no longer login, but still online!

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can no longer login, but still online!

After I played around with Tomato, I installed dd-wrt again. Then I wanted to give Tomato another try. Started with initial Tomato firmware.

But something went wrong. Now I can not login to router again, does not accept any user/pw combination I am trying. admin/admin, admin/password, root/admin,

admin/myownpassword, etc.  But still get login prompt, even when trying telnet to router. But none user-pw works.

But still can connect to internet and even WLAN works with WPA2/AES.

Is there something I can do now? Maybe I should try debrick with TTL-USB-cable?


I have the same problem.

I have the same problem.

Just in case you are still

Just in case you are still stuck, i found this and it partially worked for me. After gaining access, there was no result to the http_password command, so I did nvram erase, reboot, 30-30-30:

Flashed from kong to tomato having forgot about needing to flash to
original first. Now i cannot login to with admin:admin


I read shibby's post:

In dd-wrt password is encrypted and this is why old password does not work after install tomato (or back from dd-wrt to Genie).

Do this:
1) run router and wait 2-3
2) push and hold wifi on/off button for 25 secs - this will enable a "backdoor" access to the router.
3) use putty and connect via telnet on port 233 and log in to router without password
4) run command: nvram get http_password (login`s value: nvram get http_username)
5) use result as password
6) when you log in to tomato remember to erase nvram
7) do other steps from INSTRUCTIONS file.

Great advise! Backdoor worked

Great advise! Backdoor worked. After backdoor access and reboot 30/30/30 I had login to Tomato-GUI again and now am setting up router again. Thanks a lot!