How to set WNR3500L in client (STAtion) wireless mode

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How to set WNR3500L in client (STAtion) wireless mode

Hello All,

I am currently trying to passively monitor traffic of other AP(Access Points) from the WNR3500L.

But WNR3500L is currently set to operate  in AP (Access Point) mode and there is no support to act as wireless client mode(STA) to monitor the traffic, since the below command displays error while setting to STA mode.

# wl up
# wl ap 0
wl: Not STA

# wl disassoc
wl: Unsupported

# wl passive 1
wl: Unsupported

I beleive the wireless driver installed in WNR3500L does not include this function and hence i am looking for a BRCM wireless driver which includes this support (to operate in STA or AP mode)

I would be gratefull if anyone can throw light on where to find GPL source of BRCM wireless driver and configuration settings to operate in STA and AP mode. I can then rebuild the wnr3500l firmware with this new wireless driver.


Thanks in advance,
