Relationship to the dd-wrt site

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unimorpheus's picture
Relationship to the dd-wrt site

I have some questions that have come up as I have been troubleshooting a syslog issue with the WNDR4500v2 build. Can someone clarify the relationship between this site and the dd-wrt site. This site obviously supports Netgear products to a much greater extent but the dd-wrt site host the documentation repository. There in lies my problem. I am trying to troubleshoot syslog traffic messages being tagged kernel.warning and have not been able to find any related documentation. The dd-wrt site suggest upgrading to the latest build not understanding I am running the latest for this old router. Even more interesting the dd-wrt site still shows the wndr4500v2 as a work in progress. I am not above doing the required research I am just trying to put the pieces together. I know my knowledge is lacking and I am looking to correct that problem. Thank you for you time.