Seagate Spindown messing with NAS, but dlna ok

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Seagate Spindown messing with NAS, but dlna ok

Hi, Got my NAS and dlna working. but this morning the HDD (Seagate Expansion Desktop Drive 1TB) had spun down/powered off. This usually happens when connected to my PC and sure enough when i accessed it via network/WNR3500L/Router in Win 7 it spun up loudly. The problem is that the files don't show up on the NAS folder, even though the dlna works just fine. Rebooting the router will fix the problem but i was hoping that someone had a better solution.

There seems to be a number of different solutions but so far I've can't get any of them to work (most likely because i'm not that good at dealing with linux commands)

Kong mentions that he has included somthing called sd-idle but i can't find any guides that shows how it is used or what it does (prevents spindown, allows spindown?)

The second option i found was on the dd-wrt wiki I'm not sure what parts of the script i should use except for ignoring the subo parts. When i input

"apt-get install sdparm;

sdparm -a /dev/sdg;" (g is the windows lable of the drive)

into administration/commands section of  the dd-wrt control panel i get no response. Is this option worthe pursuing or should i use some other method? I think i need some handholding to us this method.

When i searched the dd-wrt forums i found this thread where user teixeirap ( post13) presented the following startup script "for f in /sys/class/scsi_disk/*; do echo 1 > $f/allow_restart; done;" which seemed to work. When i run the script though i get "sh: eval: line 1: can't create /allow_restart: Read-only file system". Shold i simply ignore running the command and just save the script as startup?