Unable to run command for DD-WRT Support release

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Unable to run command for DD-WRT Support release


I did a big mistake recently by buying the 3500lv2 without realizing that there was no real DD-WRT support, which is absolutely crucial for me. I've previously used the King mod for 3500lv1 which has been simply brilliant so I'm spoiled with great builds for noobies like me :-)

I've installed the support release (from 12th of April 2012) by running the dd-wrt-wnr3500lv2.chk file and even if the LED issue still remains the install seems to have worked with one great exception, their seems to be a problem around running commands. When I write a command and then press the "run commands" button it just changes to "executing" and nothing happens (I followed this instructions).

Is this a known issue for the support release and does anyone know how to fix it?

I really really miss the great builds King does for 3500lv1, is their any known time frame when we can get a proper, well updated and well funtioning DD-WRT relase for 3500lv2? Is there any way were a basic user like me can support the work for getting this up and running? 

Tomato build seems to be on track, even if their seems to be an issue with the openvpn binaries in the shibby release, how can we get DD-WRT builds on-track?