What is the difference between the costume firmware and the regular netgear firmware?

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SilverCola's picture
What is the difference between the costume firmware and the regular netgear firmware?

What is the difference beteween the default netgear firmware and the other flavors of firmware for my netgear wnr 3500L sam knows.

Subhra's picture
Every router comes with an

Every router comes with an OEM firmware (that was supplied by the Original Equipment Manufacturer). This firmware ensures all the components of the router work, and best for most basic users. As well, it may have manufacturer support.

On the otherhand, if you want some more extended features for your router then you can go for Third party open-source (TPOS) firmwares (e.g. OpenWRT, TOMATO, DDWRT etc.) that supports your router.

Each brand of TPOS firmware has many variants and each variant has different features.
During switching from OEM firmaware to TPOS firmwares you should ensure that the this perticular variant is suitable for your router model and it allows you to achieve your aims.You can find these informations from concerned TPOS firmware's website.