What's open on myopenrouter?

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Kerba's picture
What's open on myopenrouter?


I've been searching this site to find out what parts of your Open Source routers are Open Source, but I cannot get the information.

I found out two things:

- The software used seems to be Open Source, but I'm still wondering whether the software is entirely open or whether some parts as hardware drivers are still closed source.

- In a previous post I've been reading that schematics are not yet accessible. What about everything else like the design, hardware interfaces, etc.? Are those parts open?

Can anyone help me with that?


Kerba's picture
Tathagata Das said:  Even

Tathagata Das said:  Even source code of original Netgear firmware is also free.

Wow, that's interesting! Why did Netgear decide to publish its firmware?