I have an r7000 that I need to be able to create a schedule to turn wireless radio on and off by day and time......Monday to Saturday, on at 9am, off at 4pm.
Using DD-WRT v3.0-r39960M kongac (06/08/19) on R7000. I entered:
#radio on 10am Mon - Saturday
0 10 * * 1-6 root radio on
#radio off 4pm every day
0 16 * * * root radio off
on the Administration, Commands tab in the Startup section and saved to Startup.
I also tried:
#radio on 10am Mon - Saturday
0 10 * * 1-6 root wl radio on
#radio off 4pm every day
0 16 * * * root wl0 radio off
in the Cron section.
Neither are working for me. Does anyone have an idea about how I can get this working?
Thank you!
Turns out versions up to 41379 have broken CRONs. I loaded the beta and CRON works. Whish there was a new version available from this site.