Open TCP and UDP Port 10077 Using Voxel's Firmware and IPVanish

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Open TCP and UDP Port 10077 Using Voxel's Firmware and IPVanish

I recently purchased the R9000 and immediately flashed the latest firmware build by Voxel.  I proceeded to install IPVanish VPN per the instruction notes provided by Voxel, rebooted the router and the VPN tunnel came up quite quickly.  The VPN works quite well for the exception of a lockup every other day or so.  My issue is that I need to open TCP and UDP port 10077.  I have followed the instructions for creating the text file, ensuring that I have a CR at the end of the file, naming it netwall.conf and placing it in /etc/ directory.  I have simply been unable to get this port to open.  I have looked in the log file /var/log/openvpn-client.log to see if there would be a clue that the firewall was attempting to open this port but i do not see a reference to it.  Am I shorcutting a step or is there a known issue with IPVanish or is there another way to shed some light on the subject.

Thanks for your time,

