Voxel has recently updated both the R9000 and R7800 firmware. You can access them by using the links below - from there you can check out the changelogs and download.
Voxel's custom firmware adds features and functionality along with improving the CPU power on your Nighthawk.
If you have any Inquiries or feedback about Voxel's firmware, head over to the MyOpenRouter forums!
- Voxel's Firmware for NETGEAR R9000 (
- Voxel's Firmware for NETGEAR R7800 (
hello there,say first,i^m not an expert but also not the biggest greenhorn.but i have a problem.always if i activate UPNP at my R9000 it will cut my connection to my synology after a while,it seems like that DHCP stopped working,after reboot the router with activated UPNP,all works fine for a while(1-3 days)without activated UPNP everything is fine also.what do i do wrong?
I'm new here
I came from Asus with MerlinROM
kong firmware need to flash a initial image
is this here the same ?
Hi. Is it easy to get this firmware to work with Sky Fibre? Is there option 60 and 61? Cheers
I have an add-on to enable his.
Are you intersted in testing it?
Yes please kamoj
Any luck with this? I'll be changing out my SR102 for a Huawei / R7800 in the next few days and not sure if I have to change away from stock f/w to Kong / Voxel to get it to work?
I've read that it's no longer necessary to extract / use the Sky Fibre account username etc., but there still needs to be an entry in the option61 for it to work.
No option 61 in Voxel.
No option 61 in DD-WRT either.
The only way to get Sky Fibre working with R7800 is with DD-WRT, then by running a command manually in the command shell in order to connect
I don't think there is a way to run a command in Voxel??
It's a shame komaj hasn't replied with the Voxel add-on....
(PS apparently the D7800 with built in modem DOES have the option 61)
I purchased the D7800 but it didn't sit nicely with the Huawei cab and kept getting disconnects.
I've had the R7800 working on Sky with DDWRT but want to try Voxel now. I've had a go at editing the net-wan file but with no joy.
Sorry the delay.
I got no indication of message.
Next time try a private message to get my attention.
The add-on is still in beta, since I can not test it myself. I got no Sky,