DD-WRT svn14205 builds for WNR3500L now available

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Peter Redmer
Peter Redmer's picture
DD-WRT svn14205 builds for WNR3500L now available

Thanks to buddee for posting links to the new firmware builds of DD-WRT for WNR3500L.

Here is a link to the BIG version in BIN format:

And to the mini version in CHK:

Other versions can be found here:


buddee's picture
As i mentioned in my forum

As i mentioned in my forum thread, i personally do not have a WNR3500L (/me wishes) but from what i am reading from others, its buggy on the K2.6 (NEWD-2) build, however, the 2.4 (NEWD) seems to be unaffected, few webgui glitches in K2.6 so far, but thats it, the core code base still seems to work fine. So break it down, WNR3500L users proceed with caution, WGR614L users no worries.