Changing the telnet root password in Netgear JNR1010 router

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nkvp's picture
Changing the telnet root password in Netgear JNR1010 router

I own a Netgear JNR1010 router with firmware version version). When i telnet to the router, I am able to login using the default root password. I would like to change the root password, but I an not able to do so.

My router runs Busybox 1.6.1. I tried using the passwd, chpasswd commands but none of these exist. I tried downloading the chpasswd file but could not make it as executable since there is no chmod command.

Ajit's picture
I am Unable to telnet. it

I am Unable to telnet. it askss for the username /password. I tried many combinations but could not succeed. can anyone tell me the telnet username /password for JNR1010?

akarsh.satija's picture
Try using root and root as

Try using root and root as username and password respectively