Upgrading DNSCrypt v1 to v2 in Voxel firmware R7800

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kidcuauh's picture
Upgrading DNSCrypt v1 to v2 in Voxel firmware R7800

Hi, apparently there are bigger differences in DNSCrypt v1 which still uses resolvers.cvs. Also worth mention of serious security holes, open to hacks and a lot of things have been changed from v1 to v2.

More info. https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/wiki/Differences-to-v1

Have anyone tried to upgrade DNScrypt to v2?

I tried to follow WRT-DD guide to upgrade DNSCrypt since we also use Entware packages but apparently, DNScrypt isn't deployed via opkg.

Thanks for your help!



Voxel's picture
kidcuauh's picture
Thank you for the hard work!

Thank you for the hard work!