Updated 07-09-2016
IMPORTANT! In order to flash this build, you must follow the following steps:
- Return the R6400 to stock NETGEAR Genie firmware
- Flash the initial Tomato build
- Flash the final Tomato build
To install Tomato from NETGEAR Genie stock firmware:
- Restore router to default configuration.
- Flash with "tomato-initial" file first (included in the archive)
- Flash with the final AIO flash image then restore to default configuration.
To restore to NETGEAR Genie stock firmware:
- Select dd-wrt.bin image first and select erase default configuration after flash.
- After DD-WRT boots, flash the genie.chk firmware.
- Wait until Genie boots up.
- Erase settings using reset buton. Just push and hold the button -- Power LED will change color from white to orange, and after a few seconds will blink, then release button. Router should automatically reboot.
Download file:
Heads up,
We received an update from Janked that the link to: https://update.groov.pl/r6400/ can be fixed by replacing it with http://rtr.ca/r6400/revert_to_factory/
genie.chk fast download
It is rather unclear as to how one flashes the Netgear R6400 with tomato. There is a post some 6 years ago titled
"Tomato Firmware by shibby for NETGEAR R6400 (07-09-2016)" which says
Flash with "tomato-initial" file first (included in the archive)
Flash with the final AIO flash image then restore to default configuration.
Alas I can't find the "tomato-initial" in the archive (which archive - Shibby's tomato ?
Ultimately Im trying to install fresh tomato on the Netgear R6400 router, but there is absolutely no indication as to how to accomplish this so I thought I would see how to add Shibby's tomato to it.
It's should be in in the Zip file you download above.