Tomato Firmware by shibby for NETGEAR R6400 (07-09-2016)

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Updated 07-09-2016

IMPORTANT! In order to flash this build, you must follow the following steps:

  • Return the R6400 to stock NETGEAR Genie firmware
  • Flash the initial Tomato build
  • Flash the final Tomato build

To install Tomato from NETGEAR Genie stock firmware:

  1. Restore router to default configuration.
  2. Flash with "tomato-initial" file first (included in the archive)
  3. Flash with the final AIO flash image then restore to default configuration.

To restore to NETGEAR Genie stock firmware:

  1. Select dd-wrt.bin image first and select erase default configuration after flash.
  2. After DD-WRT boots, flash the genie.chk firmware.
  3. Wait until Genie boots up.
  4. Erase settings using reset buton. Just push and hold the button -- Power LED will change color from white to orange, and after a few seconds will blink, then release button. Router should automatically reboot.

If you need to flash back to NETGEAR stock firmware, the original "back to Genie" flash file can be downloaded here.


devadmin's picture
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Heads up,

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NamexTV's picture
Vladmperator's picture
Ahem. Lack of clarity for flashing R6400

It is rather unclear as to how one flashes the Netgear R6400 with tomato. There is a post some 6 years ago titled

"Tomato Firmware by shibby for NETGEAR R6400 (07-09-2016)" which says

Flash with "tomato-initial" file first (included in the archive)
Flash with the final AIO flash image then restore to default configuration.

Alas I can't find the "tomato-initial" in the archive (which archive - Shibby's tomato ?

Ultimately Im trying to install fresh tomato on the Netgear R6400 router, but there is absolutely no indication as to how to accomplish this so I thought I would see how to add Shibby's tomato to it. 

devadmin's picture
It's should be in in the Zip

It's should be in in the Zip file you download above.