1. OpenSSL package is upgraded 1.0.2p->1.0.2q.
2. DNSCrypt Proxy v.2 (2.0.19) is included into firmware:
to enable DNSCrypt Proxy v.2 run the commands from telnet/ssh console:
nvram set dnscrypt2=1
nvram commit
and reboot your router;
to disable DNSCrypt Proxy v.2 run the commands from telnet/ssh console:
nvram set dnscrypt2=0
nvram commit
and reboot your router.
3. ipset package and its dependences are added into firmware.
4. unbound package (used in stubby) is upgraded 1.8.1->1.8.3.
5. wget package is upgraded 1.19.5->1.20.
6. util-linux package is upgraded 2.32.1->2.33.
7. haveged package is upgraded 1.9.2->1.9.4.
8. ethtool package is upgaded 4.18->4.19.
9. libjpeg package is upgraded 9a->9c.
10. curl package is upgraded 7.61.1->7.62.0.
11. libgcrypt package is upgraded 1.8.3->1.8.4.
12. libubox package is upgraded 2018-07-25->2018-11-16.
13. sqlite package is upgraded 3240000->3250300.
14. jq package is upgraded 1.5->1.6.
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