Would someone at myopenrouter have the ability to assist Kong in getting an R7500v2?
From reading is latest changelog on the K3-AC-IPQ806X repo he hosts:
"This build however prepares dd-wrt for full R7500V2 support which has two supported atheros radios"
Seems much of the gorund work is laid out, but of course he would need a unit in order to validate this and of course put the finishing touches into the code base so that they can be commited and go mainsteam.
I don't think the comment above means that you should run Kong's V1 firmware on the V2 router. I think it is more literlal that the V1 build is assisting in preparing for the V2.
I think this would be a very nice router to have DD-WRT on. The CPU is quite powerful, and the Atheros radios offer quite a bit in terms of functionality (Especially over the v1).
I would be open to trying this.
- Few questions first though, do you have any info on the pinout/breakdown of the R7500v2 and which Serial cable you used?
- I assume you are porting 15.15 CC of OpenWRT?
- Are both 2.4 and 5.0 GHZ working?
- Is the Alpha built off of Blob's, or are the drivers off open source so that OpenWRT will have the full ability ti interact with the radio's and provide the feature set (Like MU-MIMO, beamforming etc......)
(I am sure I will have more question, but thank you in the meantime)
Although I have heard of *-WRT for a long time, I am new to OpenWRT and this forum in particular however.
I wonder if it's wise for me to flash this over my R7500V2's original firmware. Or is it better for me to wait till it's declared as official firmware by this website.
I dont mean any disrespect but rather being cautious in a new territory.
You see, I am lucky to inherit a R7500V2 whose software layout, in my opinion, is rather confusing and a touch buggy in some parts. Its hardware however is its strong suit. Surpringly.
This brings me to seeking alternative and better firmware for my R7500V2.
Thank you.
I'm having difficulty with WPS, specifically for my Wifi Extender...any thoughts?
Tathagata Das, sorry it took so long.
Here is a link to a folder on dropbox I made for you, you can upload here:
Could you upload your firmware here:
Can you check this link. Should work.
Is it the same one that's in the downloads section from Feb 4?
You can use the "dhcp" command if you have a DHCP server combined with a TFTP server and the .bin file from the factory firmware zip configured as the boot file for the subnet. You can also use the "tftp" command to download the factory .bin file from a TFTP server.
Can you simply post your repo?
I would rather build it all here locally using the trunk, that why I know that the key that gets stamped on everything will make all the ipkg compatible.
People flashing your FW will run into not being able to install any of the packages.
Can you post the differences between your 7500v2 openwrt and the openwrt trunk?
There are a lot of things I would want built in, such as the luci web server, logs, sata plugs, usb plugs, ssh, clamscan, snort, firewall builder, upnp, igmp proxy, midnight commander, nano, etc... Just things that make life a little easier.
could you post your ipq806x folder? and I will manually go through your config changes and try out the images with all the extra features I want.
No update from Tathagata since March 2016. So the r7500v2 has no new firmware from factory , no firmware from ddwrt and openwrt. There is plenty of support for the R7800 which has mostly the same hardware.
Has anyone tried Kong's firmware? I'm anxious, but not ready to take a chance on bricking this thing. Any feedback?
Yes, flashed firmware 'DD-WRT v3.0-r30870M kongat (11/10/16)' successfully over factory firmware v1.0.34 into a v7500v2 Nighthawk. Dialogue read that I was flahing older firmware; I surmise kongat's code/work is referencing (or based on v1.0.24).
Casual observations after flashing:
- faster/smoother thruput (could be the result of a cocktail or two)
- both wireless speeds/function flawlessly
- all lights function
Overall Result: flawless installation and function - nice. Thank you MyOpenRouterTeam!
Update to previous post::
Known issue: 2G and 5G leds are not operational since they cannot be controlled through gpio. Current opensource wireless driver has no support to control these leds.
If you want to revert to netgear firmware flash 'ddwrt-to-netgear-fw-R7500v2.bin' available at this link: http://www.desipro.de/ddwrt/K3-AC-IPQ806X/
I'd like to add to my experience.
Flashing to Kong firmware was absolutely no issues. However, I realized that for whatever reason my internet speeds dropped from 50 mgbs -> 6 - 8 mgbs, with exactly same DNS/router settings as before. I only added MAC restrictions to my sons iPads since i could not do that with netgear firmware.
The file to revert to netgear fw is not working for me. I have tried multiple times, each time using the webif to refas with the ddwrt-to-netgear-fw file without success, each time the firmware reflash counter starts at 300s and then around 292s or so, it says "Update Successful" reboots and is still dd-wrt firmware.
I have no idea what could be causing issue #1 for dropping internet connectivity speed, but I know it is the firmware because I did not have this issue before, and a TPLINK router I have is giving me the full 50 mgbs down.
I'd like to reflash back to netgear fw but can't. Therefore not sure what to do with this router until I can figure out a workaround or somehow resolve the slow speeds I am seeing with current version of kong's dd-wrt firmware.
I was always very weary about flashing as I don't have cash to spare and this is my only gateway device. So it is not like I can use something else once the generic firmware screws it up.
By the way, I have found that you usually have to use the TFTP method when flashing back to mfg firmware and something that is always a bit scary is that there is a blob in the very begining of the firmware that tells it your MAC addresses. DDWRT usually uses generic MAC addresses and so it is fine with changing them via nvram or command line. Netgear FW on the other hand spent all its time putting little rights restriction type stuff into open source software, way to use your resource team Netgear. Back a long time ago people use to releace tools that would let you back up your original boot loaders that contained the MAC addresses, and I understand why as some ahole decided to sell licenses to use MACs even thought its a just a few bytes at an address in the boot loader, but theoretically you've already paid the license fees when you paid the company for their product, so you should have a right to use all the equipment as you've alreay paid an ungodly amount of fees taxes and tariffs 10 times over to your state, federal, and international consortiums.
The act of canginge firmware on these devices should not exempt you from the rights which you have already paid for, but these people are generally huge aholes.
Realtek is amond the worst of them. I've actually caught them sabotaging firmware so it always transmits at 1MB regardless of the initial connection and that was a commit to DDWRT. So this is the main reason. You will find programmers working for corporations loging in and making "contributions" that basically hobble or disable features in open source projects. The reason they get away with it is that usually no one understands the code anyway.
Currently the 'end user' router market is full of crap and locks and violations of GPL that no one in the corporate world is even scared of a lawsuit anymore.
The GPL violations are almost always in favor of control methods from said corporations. In otherwords they are not violating GPL by helping you use faster software they are violating it by locking you in and using scrambled binary blobs to keep you from fixing the problems which they put in there to begin with.
I would be up for an op to kill all these network engineers even in remote countries if anyone wants to go merc for a bounty killing.
So did you ever get it back to normal without the fracked up bootloader?
I had installed kong's newest firmware on my new r7500v2.
And I'm in same situation with FELLBLADE, up/down speed dropped.
graph for up/down speed shows me not only my connection speed dropped
but also for consistency. graph is showing big waves around 700mb to 500mb
compares with netgear firms shows simple line at 900mb or higher.(on 1gigabit connection)
It is a not good compares with my older 40 USD router
So I tried to go back to netgear orinal firmware, but I can't. Same to FELLBLADE, too.
feeling trapped and screwed. there is nothing I can't do in this situation.
Only wating kong release new firm to fix.
Why these thing on this firm was not notified on download page fo this firm before?
It would be known issue rather than for useless LED malfuction.
Yes, I would still appreciate some help going back to stock firmware if possible. I don't think the image file has been updated from the descreption of folder / file directory.
Appreciate the work put into the firmware, but also hope for some help still. (Or a new version of DD-WRT that may address performance issues some are seeing).
Guys - I was able to spend some time to revert back to the stock firmware today and everything is working normally.
It was quite tricky but was able to find some instructions on the website here that allowed me to figure it out eventually with some trial and error.
Basically you need to download TFTP .exe file if you don't have it. Download the stock firmware from Netgear website, should be an img file.
Before you start change your router mode to a static IP and have the router address to what you want (just make sure no dupliations on your network). I used is what I used.
1. Plug router into a computer via network cable.
2. Unplug router.
3. Using a paperclip hold reset button down (keep holding).
4. Turn on router.
5. Router power LED will start to flash ORANGE. Wait for it to start to flash WHITE.
6. Open CMD as admin. Ping router IP. If you can ping it, then you can run the TFTP -i PUT <filename.img>
7. Wait for it to say transfer successful. If successful just wait and router will reboot itself and be back to stock firmware.
That should work. At least it did for me. I had the hardest time getting the computer to find the router IP address. But following the above procedure get it set up correctly in my case.
I hope this helps you guys too!
I am having the exact same issue, my 5G speeds on stock firmware were over 200Mbps now am getting 50-70Mpbs. I have tried the bin file to revert back and everytime it reboots back to ddwrt firmware.
I got it working Thanks! Speeds on 5G back to 200-300Mpbs
this was happening to me as well, i had to use the ddwrt-to-netgear-R7500v2.bin file not the FW one
Does anyone have a copy of ddwrt-to-netgear-R7500v2.bin, since Kong took down his site I've been hard pressed to find a way to revert to stock...
I have not tested but you can try this one -
Or test version here -
Let us know if works out.