Assigning Wi-Fi to Wan port/ Bridge a Virtual Wireless to the Wan port

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Assigning Wi-Fi to Wan port/ Bridge a Virtual Wireless to the Wan port

Hi all

I was wonder if anyone can give any guide lines to this topic.

I wish to use a router to provide myself with my own subnet and Wi-Fi signal but have another signal dedicated to give Wi-Fi form my ISP. Basically I wish to bridge a Virtual Wireless to the wan port

Using 1 router running Shibby tomato to

  1. Provide myself with my own subnet and Wi-Fi signal
  2. Bridge a Virtual Wireless to the wan port

This effectively gives the Wi-Fi users access to the wan IP’s.

I am pretty sure it can be done with DDWRT but I need it to work with tomato as well.

All comments are appreciated