[email failed] fail to connect to outgoing mail server!

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[email failed] fail to connect to outgoing mail server!

Been some time since I last visited here, but I´m trying to setup the notification on my moms WNR3500L using the latest FW from Netgear V1.2.2.44_35.0.53.

I can´t see what the problem is when I googled the error I ended up with info that the router support both 25 and 587 as SMTP. And I entered the correct settings for the e-mail, but when I push the send logs to send the logfiles to my mail, I recive the error in the topic: [email failed] fail to connect to outgoing mail server.

Is it my ISP that is failing or not?

Any advice regarding this error would be very helpful. Or should I choose another FW? :)