FTP Server USe on the newest Tomato WITH USB

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ThirstyThursten's picture
FTP Server USe on the newest Tomato WITH USB

Heey All,

I installed Tomato a few Days ago,

with alot of trying and failing I've got my FTP Server half working, the Idea is, I use DynDNS, to reach my FTP Server on that adress, and have the FTP directories on my USB Storage attached to my Netgear, I can now reach the Server, but can't login everytime it's saying the Username and Password are incorrect.

But those are the User Accounts I Added on the FTP Server page from Tomato,

So Why can't I login in to my FTP Server, or maybe even better is there somewhere a tutorial on how to Setup, Reach and Login to an FTP Server on Tomato ??

Thanks in Advance



Webinator's picture
Hey there is another website

Hey there is another website called tomatousb.org that has a tutorial on it and a lot of help with tomato firmware.