Guest Network?

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flopticalcube's picture
Guest Network?

I am currently running the beta 20 on my wrn3500L and enjoying it but is there any way/plans to add an additional SSID for a guest network like in the original Netgear FW?

flashed's picture
It would be a very nice

It would be a very nice feature!
It is sad to have so many nice features with tomato, just to find out that this interesting mulktiple SSID is missing.

In the official forums a lot of people have asked for this.

I invite you and any other interested, to join the forum and post your wish. If enough people asks for this, then the developers may take it into consideration.

Kong's picture
Just a note, DD-WRT has this

Just a note, DD-WRT has this feature.

flashed's picture
Kong said: Just a note, DD

Kong said: Just a note, DD-WRT has this feature.

Hi, thanks for the clarification. If you let me an OT question here: what is the major difference between Tomato and DD-WRT ? Is it technical ? Licence ?

Is there somewhere a matrix with the different features of the different firmwares ? If it doesn't, I could volunteer to maitain such a list.

For example I wanted to add Asterisk to my router, I was completely new to this, and I understood (wrongly) that I have installed Tomato in order to use opt-ware. In fact, it turns out that the same opt-ware can be installed in DD-WRT. Could you help me to understand this? Is opt-ware a project of another group ?

bigjohn's picture
My opinion is that Tomato

My opinion is that Tomato tends to be more "friendly" in the way it's configured. Lots of things in DD-WRT you have to do manually, or navigate the massive GUI and do things in more than one place to make a feature work. Again, just my opinion... I used DD-WRT for years, then I found tomato. I installed a router with DD-WRT for the 'guest network' capability, but it's not working even after hours of fiddling.