How to compile DD-WRT for WGR614L

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achilles's picture
How to compile DD-WRT for WGR614L

Hi all,

I am trying to compile DD-WRT for router WGR614L .

Could anyone please tell me what are the steps that I need to take ?

Thanks in advance, 


achilles's picture
I am not able to compile DD

I am not able to compile DD-WRT completely for Netgear-WGR7614L ... with some changes and some inputs from net I am able to make little advancements but now I am getting the error :
mksquashfs.c:1: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in
Could anybody please tell me how can I compile it on a 32 bit machine ...

rakha's picture
Hi ,

Hi ,
Please go through different README files given in the source and toolchain.
You can get the source and toolchain from the following link :

hope it will help u out ....

achilles's picture
Thanks rakha,

Thanks rakha,
After going through a couple of README files given in the source and toolchain I am able to compile the code ....
But when I am giving the command "make install" for the router code it is getting
some error while creating squashfs file system ....
This is some trx related error ...
Could anybody plz tell me how to overcome it

rakha's picture
achilles said:

achilles said:
Thanks rakha,
After going through a couple of README files given in the source and toolchain I am able to compile the code ....
But when I am giving the command "make install" for the router code it is getting
some error while creating squashfs file system ....
This is some trx related error ...
Could anybody plz tell me how to overcome it


Hi ,

This is due to the fact that the Netgear source code for the WGR614L includes an incorrect binary
file trx - which is a x86_64 executable and does not run on 32 bit x86

To obtain the correct binary file and for subsequent steps to get rid off trx related errors please refer to the following link :

....all d best ....