how to modify ls color on dd-wrt busybox?

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how to modify ls color on dd-wrt busybox?

I am using Kong's dd-wrt build on my 3500L. I noticed that ls command displays color, but I can't seem to find a way to change the color.

I tried setting LS_COLORS via

export LS_COLORS="no=00:fi=00:di=01;31:ln=01;33:pi=40;33:..."

This doesn't work. (dircolors command don't exist so setting it directly).

I tried the alternative of using LSCOLORS, it also didn't work

export LSCOLORS=BxDxFxdxCxdxdxBxBxBxBx

So, can the ls color scheme be modified? I find the default dark blue for directory entry unbearably painful to look at against a black background, and usually one of the above method works for Linux, but not in this case, unless I am missing something obvious...
