Installed DD-WRT, no wireless, want to go back to original firmware...

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Installed DD-WRT, no wireless, want to go back to original firmware...

when I try to upload the Netgear wgr614l_1_1_2_1_0_23_na.chk, or when I try to upload tomato from the dd-wrt Administration Firmware Upgrade screen. I get a 'incorrect image file' error message, all firmware was downloaded from the site. How do I go back to the original Netgear firmware?

 My problem with dd-wrt is that I cannot connect to the wireless network at any level of security, WPA2 Personal, WPA, or no security. The wireless is enabled, but no client connection.


you should be able to upgrade

you should be able to upgrade the trx image from the dd-wrt firmware. If it does not work, you need to install the image from serial console. Please refer to the link below -



you may find this link useful

you may find this link useful -
This is for dd-wrt but image installation process for netgear firmware using serial console will not be different.

Could you try pressing the

Could you try pressing the reset button while powering on? That may fix the wireless issue on dd-wrt.

I too had this problem... The

I too had this problem... The router works great but for whatever reason I have no wireless connection. The AP and Client can see each other but just would not give up the internet... I had a bad setting on my wireless card. It was "BSS PLC HEADER" set that to "AUTO" if you have it.

the thing totally bricked the

the thing totally bricked the router for me also. Totally ruined, its now worthless. THANKS FOR NOTHING NETGEAR

benbenson said:

benbenson said:
the thing totally bricked the router for me also. Totally ruined, its now worthless. THANKS FOR NOTHING NETGEAR


Can't understand what bricked your it resetting? Which version of firmware are you using? Please share your findings - this may help us to sopport you better...

I'm in the same position. I

I'm in the same position. I uploaded to dd-wrt now I can not get on the internet and the router isn't broadcasting wirelessly. HOW DO I GET MY OLD SYSTEM BACK???? It doesn't accept .chk's and it doesnt accept the file using the gui.

I have seen that it needs a .trx file to update using dd-wrt but I havent seen any posting of these files. Can someone please post a valid version so that I can restore my router somehow.

please please please

Please refer to the link
it says

it says

"Copy the 'mtd_erase' executable to the '/tmp' directory of the board using scp or any other communication protocol present in the board. Please note that only the '/tmp/ folder has the write permission; so you will not be able to copy that utility in any other location.

scp mtd_erase [email protected]:/tmp "

I am using secure shell to connect using windows vista. Can you clarify these instructions for windows. How would I copy the files over there. Please dumb it down and put in as many details as you can. Since I know many of us are really struggling to get this work around going.

Thank you so much in advance. If you could mention a few things on TFTP in the command line that would be great as well. Thanks!


It doesn't matter whether u r

It doesn't matter whether u r using Linux or Windows. 'scp' client is also available for windows, for example 'winscp'. You need to download and install these softwares. 'winscp' can be downloaded from '' You can follow steps mentioned below to upgrade ur router -
1. Connect your PC with the LAN port of the router and give an IP in the router subnet. You can configure it manually or can use DHCP for this.
2. Copy the 'Mtd erase' Utility I posted in MyOpenRouter included in 'MTD Erase & Firmware Upgrade Utility for WGR614L' package to '/tmp/' of your router using winscp. For that you need to login to (if you haven't changed this IP).
3. Open the router UI. And follow step 4,5,6 as I mentioned in my article.

Hope it will help you.

DD-WRT V24 SP1 includes an

DD-WRT V24 SP1 includes an "mtd" utility.  I was able to enable SSH administration through the web interface, use Putty from Windows to SSH to the router, and execute "mtd erase linux".  After rebooting, the power LED flashed indicating that the firmware could not be loaded, and I was able to restore the original Netgear firmware using TFTP.

Great.. Congrats.

Great.. Congrats.