Login Issues (probably my fault)

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mohreuscomputing@gmail.com's picture
Login Issues (probably my fault)

My Version: Firmware: DD-WRT v3.0-r33675M kongac (11/03/17)
I recently updated my router Tue Nov 7 2017 changed the default username and password to my own.
When I try to login to the router I am unable to login with my username and password, its possible that I may have hit a wrong key when typing the username so I am looking for the best/safest way to reset the router back to default.

I read here http://infodepot.wikia.com/wiki/Hard_reset_or_30/30/30
I can use telnet to reset the NVRAM but am unsure if the code is safe or not.
1. is this safe?
2. is there a better way to reset the router back to defaults.

My internet works, its just the login issue.

Much thanks for the help.

mohreuscomputing@gmail.com's picture
Update: my issue is not a bad

Update: my issue is not a bad password or Username, I made my password to long.