Looking to possibly replace TP-Link Archer C9 with R7000

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Looking to possibly replace TP-Link Archer C9 with R7000

I tried posting this last night but it vanished.

We have a household with two boys doing computer online gaming, a wife that likes to stream sometimes, and me who just does normal web stuff. Some time ago I replaced our R7000 with a TP-Link Archer C9 because I was having connection problems that might have been software based. After switching to the TP-Link the connection has been stable, but after reading what can be done with a R7000 running DD-WRT, I'm wondering if it was a mistake to switch. It seems that the Archer C9 doesn't play well with open source software. I hooked the old R7000 up and was able to install the DD-WRT flash just fine.

I'm still using the TP-Link for now, but I was wondering if any here had an opinion as to which would be a better, safer, stable router for us.