Sun, 02/11/2018 - 4:09pm
Need to configure cups for network printer sharing
I would like to share my wifi printer via my R7800 in the hopes that cups on R7800 can be used with my ipad. The ipad expects an AirPrint capable printer which my wifi printer is not.
I've installed Voxel firmware V1.0.2.46SF and then followed through by installing optimized entware from Voxel.
After installing entware and doing opkg updates to install cups, I realized that Netgear firmware already comes with cups. So I uninstalled cups (entware). After rebooting, Netgear's ReadySHARE Printer menu is available.
Is there a way to either disable Netgear's ReadySHARE Printer option and enable entware's cups? Or, to use NG's printer sharing but enable network printing?
Seems like having options that land in printers.conf in even NG's cups printing system might work.
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