Q: How to telnet to router w/ orig FW?

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Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch's picture
Q: How to telnet to router w/ orig FW?


I have a brand new WNR3500L running original FW version V1.2.2.44_35.0.53. I searched this forum but from what I can see all post regarding telnet are related to alternative firmwares, not the Netgear original one.

NMAP scan shows that the router ports 23 (telnet) and 80 (http) are open by default. So  out of curiousity I tried accessingg telnet in the hope that I would be able to explore my router from the inside. But to no  avail.

telnet with admin:<mypassword> to my router results in a connection, but no command prompt is displyed. Below is the output on my telnet client.

Connecting to
Connection established.
Escape character is '^@]'.
ls -la

Regardless what I try to enter at the promt, no reply is sent back to my telnet client. I tried using different terminal types (e g vt100, xterm, linux etc), but still same issue; No output response from the router.

Telnet port 23 cannot have been left open by accident. It must serve a purpose. But how do I establish a proper connection. Has anyone succeeded in connecting, and if so how?



Subhra's picture
I am using Netgear Original

I am using Netgear Original Firmware ( V1.0.0.74_12.0.64NA ) in my wnr3500l and made a successful attempt to telnet in wnr3500l from a windows machine. It needs an executable and a few number of steps. If it useful to you I can provide you the executable and the steps to perform telnet.

Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch's picture
Yes, that would be

Yes, that would be appreciated.

Subhra's picture
Fine, for that I need your

Fine, for that I need your email id. I will send the executable and will post the steps to be followed in this thread.

Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch's picture
Email me on jimmy_1969

Email me on jimmy_1969@fastermail*removethis*.com

Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch's picture
You may send it to jimmy_1969

You may send it to jimmy_1969@fastermaildotcom.

Subhra's picture
Enable telnet in WNDR3700

Enable telnet in WNDR3700 from Windows :

This procedure is successfully tested on Windows XP SP2 and SP3. Windows NT and later versions are assumed to work, administrator privileges are required.


1.Login to Windows using an account which has administrative privileges (needed for sending custom crafted network packets which this tool does)

2.Open a command line (windows console) window. To do so, press and hold windows key, then press R once and release both. In the new windows, type cmd, then press enter)

3.Get the MAC address of your WNR3500L. You can look it up on the web interface of your router (Maintenance -> Router status -> LAN port -> MAC Address)

4.Copy or type the MAC address to a text editor such as Notepad.

5.Remove any minus signs (-) or colons (:), replace all characters by their upper case representation (a -> A, d-> D etc.)

6.Copy the result of your editing to the clipboard and return to the command line window

7.Type (without quotes) "telnetenable.exe ", the IP address of your router (e.g. ""), add another space (" "), paste the contents of the clipboard, and append " Gearguy Geardog". These are the default username and password for telnet console access (they differ from those of the web interface), you need to modify them appropriately if you changed them previously.
Below is one example of such command:
telnetEnable.exe 000FB5A2BE26 Gearguy Geardog

8.Correct character case is important here.

9.Now press Enter to run the tool. It should return to the shell pretty quickly with no error. If it takes a long time and returns a 'send failed' error message, just try again.

10.You should now be able to login to the router via telnet from any computer in your local subnet (including the one you just used to activate the listening mode). To do so, type the following (no quotes): "telnet ", append the IP of your router and press enter (e.g. telnet

11.You will be prompted for a login and a password. For the login, type Gearguy, for the password, type Geardog. Correct character case is important here. Sometimes you will not be prompted for a login and a password.

12.After successful authentication you will be presented a prompt.

13.For available commands, type help or ?. To quit the console, type exit.

Subhra's picture
Hi Mike,

Hi Mike,

I just found an utility to do telnet from Solarish, Linux etc.You can find the utility from this link -->

dlve's picture
Subhra said: Enable telnet in

Subhra said: Enable telnet in WNDR3700 from Windows : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This procedure is successfully tested on Windows XP SP2 and SP3. Windows NT and later versions are assumed to work, administrator privileges are required. Steps: ------ 1.Login to Windows using an account which has administrative privileges (needed for sending custom crafted network packets which this tool does) 2.Open a command line (windows console) window. To do so, press and hold windows key, then press R once and release both. In the new windows, type cmd, then press enter) 3.Get the MAC address of your WNR3500L. You can look it up on the web interface of your router (Maintenance -> Router status -> LAN port -> MAC Address) 4.Copy or type the MAC address to a text editor such as Notepad. 5.Remove any minus signs (-) or colons (:), replace all characters by their upper case representation (a -> A, d-> D etc.) 6.Copy the result of your editing to the clipboard and return to the command line window 7.Type (without quotes) "telnetenable.exe ", the IP address of your router (e.g. ""), add another space (" "), paste the contents of the clipboard, and append " Gearguy Geardog". These are the default username and password for telnet console access (they differ from those of the web interface), you need to modify them appropriately if you changed them previously. Below is one example of such command: telnetEnable.exe 000FB5A2BE26 Gearguy Geardog 8.Correct character case is important here. 9.Now press Enter to run the tool. It should return to the shell pretty quickly with no error. If it takes a long time and returns a 'send failed' error message, just try again. 10.You should now be able to login to the router via telnet from any computer in your local subnet (including the one you just used to activate the listening mode). To do so, type the following (no quotes): "telnet ", append the IP of your router and press enter (e.g. telnet 11.You will be prompted for a login and a password. For the login, type Gearguy, for the password, type Geardog. Correct character case is important here. Sometimes you will not be prompted for a login and a password. 12.After successful authentication you will be presented a prompt. 13.For available commands, type help or ?. To quit the console, type exit.

this worked for me I was getting at the beginning a Bind error 10048 which ment that i had a telnet connection open already to router. after I close all connections, I was able to do the telnetEnabled command. IT WORKS!!!. thanks