R7000 bricked? Flashed DD-WRT to Tomato - cannot login: user/pw denied

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badboy416's picture
I almost gave up. Nothing was

I almost gave up. Nothing was working. I spent better part of 2 days including all day today. 2:45 am here. I forgot to default before flash. Get http_username/passwd. OMG thanks everyone.

krisden's picture
Sorry to push out this topic

Sorry to push out this topic but I've experienced the same issue (password not correct after trying to log in FreshTomato on my AC19000-R7000).

Thanks for your update but strangely, on my hardware, the WPS button do the job
After pushing it for 30 sec, it works !!! I can connect via Putty (x64 version on windows 10, it's an important point, don't ask me why...)

Hi, I bricked my R8000 doing

Hi, I bricked my R8000 doing the initial Tomato firmware upgrade. The 30-30-30 method did not work, I found this method: https://github.com/jclehner/nmrpflash worked perfectly, it meant I did not have to build a USB Serial cable and disassemble my Router.

kbezold's picture
nmrpflash just saved my R7000

nmrpflash just saved my R7000 router from being bricked.  Thanks much!
