router is not booting after Serial failure

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Ruinstriker's picture
router is not booting after Serial failure

I bricked my router and tried USB-TTY method.

It seems succeess however at last, the flash was failed.

After, I reboot my router in order to try to reset again, but it does not respond to both TTY and Lan.


Is there anyway to debrick my router?

Subhra's picture
which router are you using ??

which router are you using ??

Ruinstriker's picture
WNR3500L however I'm not sure

WNR3500L however I'm not sure it is V1 or V2

Subhra's picture
This article will help you to

This article will help you to idenify your router model and here are the articles to debrick WNR3500Lv1 and debrick WNR3500Lv2. Use accordingly.

Ruinstriker's picture
FYI the method which I failed

FYI the method which I failed to proceed was that method. I tried and got bad flash. However, when I retried, nothing come up on putty screen.