update to official V1.0.6.28_1.1.83 breaks normal wifi

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update to official V1.0.6.28_1.1.83 breaks normal wifi

I upgraded to V1.0.6.28_1.1.83 and afterwards as expected I needed to reset portforwarding etc etc. However, I find now that I can not connect to the standard 2.4Ghz wifi with any of my devices. I can connect using the Guest network so it's not a question of the allowed devices.

Any ideas?

Well after a lot of work I

Well after a lot of work I managed to make this work as intended by resetting to factory and then re-entering all my many configurations. I have no idea why doing a simple update should smash stuff, but this firmware should have more warnings. I did try a restore of my saved settings, but that didn't improve matters. Netgear should try harder.

You're not alone, I had the

You're not alone, I had the same problem. Had to reset to factory and reconfigure.  Lost an hour on this.

One painful upgrade