Why would I want custom firmware

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ebursley's picture
Why would I want custom firmware

I recently purchased a WNDR3800 router, and I'm waiting on its arrival. I noticed I could use custom firmware on it, which is great, but what features are available in the custom firmware that are not already available in the d-link firmware?

I'm a pretty savy power user with lots of experience hacking Linux. The one thing that I liked about this router is that it has native IPv6 support, but that was on the WAN side. I noticed nothing on the LAN side. I'm currently running a dual stack IPv6/IPv4 network, but would like to convert to all IPv6 soon, once I get all my devices supported.

Subhra's picture
I am not aware of the

I am not aware of the features provided by d-link firmware, but can guide you to get information about features supported by Netgear WNDR3800 Stock firmware.
If you are interested, you can go through the following page...
