WNR3500Lv2 Bricked. Unable to unbrick. Help!

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WNR3500Lv2 Bricked. Unable to unbrick. Help!

Hi experts,

I am new to this and i meant to click on the Kong's CHK but instead I updated my router with

dd-wrt.v24-30826_NEWD-2_K3.x_mega-WNR3500Lv2.chk.  Now it wont assign any IP and I tried several method like TFTP while booting to refresh firmware but no luck.  Also I try the serial method, I did not get any readable TEXT, only unreadable TEXT on the Putty.  I tried different baud speed setting but no luck.  Any idea how to do tihs? 

After i do the 30/30/30, i was able to ping for like 15 times, then it will fail to ping.  in between that time, i tried tftp32 or tftp2 the firmware but no luck. 

All i got is green power light and blue wifi light plus green on port 4.  and i am trying to upload netgear stock

WNR3500Lv2-V1.0.0.10 being that is the initial firmware.

please help!!

