When I first connected this router (with the factory Netgear load), all lights were green.
Now, that I've loaded DD-WRT, my internet and check mark lights are yellow.
What is the check mark light, and why are both of these lights yellow?
This seems like info that would be on this site, but I searched and couldn't find anything about the significance of these lights.
Thanks for any help!
Hi Brad!
I haven't loaded DD-WRT on the Netgear box yet but I have an idea on what the lights COULD mean. The checkmark light on the Netgear box lets you know that the connection and all features on the router are working correctly. I think the difference with the green / yellow change could be an alert to let you know something is not totally correct. My reason behind thinking this is that your internet light is also yellow. Perhaps the throughput is going slower that DD-WRT believes it should be or something along those lines. Just a thought. Anyone Know more?
the lights were green before I loaded Tomato, and now DDWRT on it. It probably has something to do with the firmwares not supporting these lights as status lights. Maybe someone here knows.
Thanks bfritton