Help R7000 Upgrade from Tomato to FreshTomato

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Falsa's picture
Help R7000 Upgrade from Tomato to FreshTomato

First timer trying to flash a Netgear R7000.  It currently has Tomato V1.28 on it.  I want to upgrade the firmware to FreshTomato.


I have downloaded the current Netgear Firmware and attempted to "Upgrade" from Administration Page to current Netgear Firmware R7000-V1-0.11.128_10.2.112.


The "Upgrade" didn't work.  It gave me this error : /tmp/flashsE7OMe: Bad trx header


Please help.

mrdon213's picture
Try the latest VPN 2021.8

Try the latest VPN 2021.8 build.

djk44883's picture
If someone stumbles along in

If someone stumbles along in the future - you have to use a "back to factory" flash before you can install stock firmware.  Similiar to how you use an initial flashing prior to flashing the full version of what you're using.