DD-WRT, OpenVPN Client, Android, and "Use DNSMasq for DNS" problem

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DD-WRT, OpenVPN Client, Android, and "Use DNSMasq for DNS" problem

Hello there.


I flashed my Nighthawk to use the latest version of DD-WRT about a month ago.  I found a problem when I configured the OpenVPN client on the router.  My Android devices stopped getting internet access when it was enabled. I am using Policy Based Routing to limit the VPN to just my home PC, but the problem persisted.


After playing with it for a while, it appeared to be a DNS resolution issue.  After more searching and playing around, the solution seems to be to disable "Use DNSMasq for DNS".  


Can anyone tell me if:

1) This makes sense

2) Is an okay way to configure my router

3) What in tarnation is going on?

Thanks in advance.