WNR3500Lv1 - Ethernet ports not getting Gigabit (1000M) speeds

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WNR3500Lv1 - Ethernet ports not getting Gigabit (1000M) speeds

I have been running this build for the past 2-3 years:  Tomato (Shibby) Firmware 1.28.0000 MIPSR2-140 K26 USB miniVPN.   

I just upgraded to > 100mbps speed.  At the modem, I get 450mbps.  At the WNR3500Lv1, all ethernet ports are getting around 85-90.  I tested all cables at the modem before using them on the WNR3500Lv1 ethernet ports, so they are all capable of 450mbps.  Also, on the WNR3500Lv1, it correctly auto-senses the port speeds and reports "1000M."  But the speed caps out at ~90M.

  1. QoS is disabled.
  2. MIPSR2-140 does not have a CTF option in Advanced>Miscellaneous (as suggested here).  

Any idea what is wrong?