Voxel Releases Custom Firmware for NETGEAR X10 R9000

Looking for something different to try on your R9000 Nighthawk? Voxel's popular flavor of custom firmware has been ported to the r9000.

Voxel's Custom NETGEAR R7800 Firmware Updated to 1.02.33.SF

The open source community has fallen in love with Voxel's custom firmware builds, which the devoted devloper continues to update for stability and new features.

R7800 owners can download the latest version and see the changelog here.

DD-WRT Kong Mod for NETGEAR R7800 and R7500v2 Updated

More updates coming along today -- this time for R7800 and R7500v2 owners. Once again, thanks to Kong and the open source community for their hard work.

June Updates -- DD-WRT Kong Mod for NETGEAR Routers

Another month, another round of updates, folks! Thanks to open source developer Kong, the following builds are now available (updated 2017-06-11):

Head over to the Downloads section to update! The following models have been updated:

VPN Performance on the NETGEAR R9000 with DD-WRT

The team here is curious -- have you installed DD-WRT open source firmware on your NETGEAR r9000 router? And, are you using the OpenVPN client functionality to protect your personal privacy? Kong's update of DD-WRT for the R9000 includes updates that leverage the hardware for even faster speeds when using OpenVPN.

S8000 Gaming Switch -- have you tried it?

The NETGEAR Nighthawk Gaming Switch was recently released, and the team here is pretty excited to give it the full battery of testing. Of course, we're also excited for the opportunity that might be there for developers and open source enthusiasts.

Windows Central recently did a review of the snazzy switch. Tell us what you think in our community forums, and stay tuned for the full review!

Kong DD-WRT Builds Updated for NETGEAR R9000, R7800, R7500v2

Head on over to the Downloads section to grab the latest updates if you own one of these NETGEAR powerhouse routers!

For more information, there are also some discussions on DD-WRT.com regarding the R9000 and R7800.

DD-WRT Firmware Now Available for NETGEAR R6400v2

R6400v2 owners,. it's your time to shine. Community devleoper Tathagata Das has released DD-WRT for your new router, based on revision 31884.

See changelog below and download here!

You can also discuss the R6400v2 in our community forum.


Voxel's NETGEAR R7800v1 Firmware Updated to

Kong Mod DD-WRT Updates Available for NETGEAR Routers (May 2017)

Kong has once again presented the NETGEAR open source community with a great gift -- updates!

The following builds have been updated:
